The Global Society for Peace Engineers (GSPE), is the first professional society for those interested or currently involved in the field of peace engineering. The GSPE will make it possible for traditional engineers to pair a formal accreditation with their current engineering certifications (such as P.E. in the USA or C.E. in the Commonwealth). GPSE has set the goal of achieving 10,000+ fully certified peace engineers in the workforce in the next decade.
GSPE was developed from the first annual Peace Engineering Summer Institute (PESI), a week long convention of the Peace Engineering Consortium and a select group of top engineering, finance, and peacebuilding practitioners and researchers from around the world. Hosted at TU Delft and The Hague Humanity Hub, the discussions at PESI laid the foundations for a Peace Engineering degree program that universities will eventually be able to offer to their students.
GSPE will be incubated under PII and launched into its own independent organization in the coming year. To apply for early access membership to GSPE, apply here.